
ONLINE WORKSHOP: Translational Cancer Research

Date: 28. 10. 2021
Time:  LONDON 10:00 - 15:00 | BERLIN 11:00 - 16:00 | DUBAI 13:00 - 18:00
Place: online
Language: english
Registration and more information: here


Understanding cancer biology has become increasingly dependent on imaging. High-resolution imaging is vital for studying genetic and cell signaling changes that underlie cancer, whereas live-cell imaging is crucial for a deeper understanding of disease mechanisms. Microscopy techniques are also essential for the study of spatial relationships between different types of tumor cells. They are also critical to understanding the immune system's role in combating cancerous cells. For the latter, researchers rely on multiplexing imaging solutions for a faster rate of discovery.

Leica Microsystems and Microscopy Focus are pleased to host our 3rd See the Hidden Online Workshop, this time focused on Translational Cancer Research. The workshop is centered on scientific sessions covering a broad range of first-hand applications of our workflows, encompassing sample preparation, multiplexing, imaging, and analysis. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to join instrument demonstrations and Q&A discussions.

This is an excellent opportunity to hear from leading researchers and industry experts, to learn about the innovative imaging systems and workflows that are available in order to address the critical challenge of tumor heterogeneity, to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of cancer development, and translate these discoveries into information that can be used to advance therapeutics.


Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session and technical demonstration from a member of the Leica Microsystems team.


  • Welcome
  • Session 1: Sample preparation for translational research
  • Session 2: Multiplexing and cancer tissue analysis
  • Lunch
  • Session 3: Confocal imaging in translational cancer research
  • Session 4: The applications of correlative microscopy
  • Session 5: Panel discussion

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